We meet every Sunday (apart from the second of the month) during the Morning Service, from 10:30 – 11:30.
On the second Sunday of every month, you may like to attend our all-age (Parade) Service. These services aim to involve children while giving a message that is meaningful for us all. They are usually led by someone who knows the children and enjoys relating to them.
At Sunday Club, we cater for all children, from any and every church or non-church background.

Our aim is to introduce Bible stories to the children in a fun and meaningful way. We want to help children to understand and live Christian values and we teach this through fun activities and crafts.

As parents, you have the wonderful privilege of teaching your children and as a church we want to support that too. To make this happen, we would like your support.

We ask parents to:

  • encourage your child when attending Sunday Club
  • find out what your child has done at Sunday Club
  • support your child to attend most mornings
  • encourage your child if he or she is wanting to explore more about the stories.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to come and speak to us.

We have free Bibles and resources on request. We begin in the church each week unless it is communion . The congregation always love to see the children and hear from them. This is a wonderful opportunity for children to learn to contribute in an all-age environment.

We also welcome children to receive the bread and wine of Holy Communion. Should you want to know more about this or prefer that your child only receive a blessing then please just let us know.

We regularly teach the children about the meaning of Holy Communion and events in the church’s calendar.

We are also really delighted when babies or children are brought for baptism. Please do speak to Lesley if you would like to know more about baptism (sometimes called christening).

Should you be interested in helping in Sunday Club, even occasionally, please just let me know and I can discuss this with you. Thank you for your support.

Contact Sarah Bailey info@biltonareamethodist.org.uk